Concerning the permissibility of amusement during the circumcision ceremony | The official website of Sheikh Muhammad Ali FERKUS
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Thirsday 16 Shawwâl 1445 H - April 25, 2024 G

Fatwa n° 798

Category: Fatwas about Drinks and Foods – Al-‘Aqîqa (Sacrifice for the newborn)

Concerning the permissibility of amusement during the circumcision ceremony


Is the amusement allowed during the circumcision ceremony? May Allah reward you.


All praise is due to Allah, the Lord of the Worlds. Peace and blessing be upon whom Allah sent as a mercy to the Worlds, upon his Family, his Companions and his Brothers till the Day of Resurrection:

There is no matter over this issue if it happens on an ad hoc basis, such as alleviating the pain of the circumcised boy, provided that such amusement should not overstep the limits of the Islamic teachings. In other words, the amusement must be devoid of any evil deed an act of disobedience.

Some Salaf (Righteous Predecessors) reported the permissibility of amusement during the circumcision. Al-Bukhârî has devoted a chapter in his Book “Al-Adab Al-Mufrad” entitled: “Chapter concerning amusement during the circumcision”, on the authority of Um ‘Alqama who said: “The nieces of ‘Â’isha رضي الله عنها (the daughters of her brother) were circumcised; then it was said to ‘Â’isha: ‘Shall we invite who amuse them?’ She said: ‘Of course…’ ”(1).

The perfect knowledge belongs to Allah عزَّ وجلَّ. Our last prayer is all praise is due to Allah, the Lord of the Worlds. Peace and blessing be upon our Prophet, his Family, his Companions and Brothers till the Day of Resurrection.


Algiers on Rabî‘ Al-Awwal the 9th, 1428 H.

Corresponding to March the 28th, 2007 G.


(1) Reported by Al-Bukhârî in “Al-Adab Al-Mufrad” (1247) from the hadith of Um ‘Alqama. The hadith is judged Haşan (well) by Al-Albânî in “Sahîh Al-Adab Al-Mufrad” (950) as well as in “As-Silsila As-Sahîha” (2/349).