Fatwas about Salât (Prayer) | The official website of Sheikh Muhammad Ali FERKUS
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Saturday 21 Al-Muharram 1446 H - July 27, 2024 G

Fatwas about Salât (Prayer)

Category : 

العنوان استمع الرقم
The ruling concerning praying in a red garment 2
Borrowing the holly Quran from the mosque 9
Performing Aïd prayer in school 10
Repeating the prayer of Al-Istikhâra 41
Replacing the Waqf (religious endowment) 43
The legally decreed call to Down prayer 47
Friday prayer for the traveler 48
Abandoning the Friday prayer for work 51
Making up for Witr (odd prayer) and nullifying it 55
The duration during which the traveler could shorten the prayer 56
The Islamic ruling concerning the traveler’s prayer with the congregation 58
In the legitimacy of invocations during As-Sujud (prostration) in Sujud As-Sahw (the forgetfulness prostration) 65
Giving lessons before the Friday’s sermon 72
The ruling regarding performing prayer behind an imam offering obligatory prayer before its time 144
The ruling concerning renting Al-Waqf (religious endowment) that belongs to the mosque 215
The ruling concerning the menstruating woman’s prayer before sunset 244
Reconciliation between work and congregational prayer 413
Hastening to catch up with the prayer 450
Concerning preventing [the praying people] from wearing socks in the mosque 596
Concerning the conditions of the valid Âdhân 608
The ruling concerning making Du‘â’ (invocation) in the prayer using a language other than Arabic 610
The ruling regarding the women’s coming out to attend Aïd prayer 633
Taking notes during the Friday’s sermon 682
Praying with clothes containing images of creatures that have souls 824