Biography of sheikh Mohamed Ali FERKOUS | The official website of Sheikh Muhammad Ali FERKUS
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Saturday 21 Al-Muharram 1446 H - July 27, 2024 G

All praise is due to Allah, we seek refuge in Him from the evil of our souls and from the wickedness of our deeds. Whoever is guided by Allah cannot be led astray and whoever is led astray shall find none other to guide him. And I bear witness that none is worthy to be worshipped but Allah, who has no partner, and I bear witness that Muhammad is His servant and Messenger.

O you who believe! Fear Allah (by doing all that He has ordered and by abstaining from all that He has forbidden) as He should be feared [Obey Him, be thankful to him, and remember Him always], and die not except in a state of Islam [as Muslims (with complete submission to Allah)]﴿ [Âl-`Imrân (The Family of Imran: 102)].

O mankind! Be dutiful to your Lord, Who created you from a single person (Âdam), and from him (Âdam) He created his wife [Hawwa (Eve)], and from them both He created many men and women, and Fear Allah through whom you demand (your mutual rights), and (do not cut the relations of) the wombs (kinship). Surely; Allah is Ever All-Watcher over you﴿ [An-Nisâ' (The Women): 1].

O you who believe! Keep your duty to Allah and Fear Him, and speak (always) the truth. He will direct you to do righteous good deeds and will forgive you your sins, And whosoever obeys Allah and His Messenger (may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him), he has indeed achieved a great achievement (i. e he will be saved from the Hell-Fire and will be admitted to paradise)﴿ [(Al-Ahzâb (The Confederates): 70-71)].

Indeed, the most truthful statement is the Book of Allah عزَّ وجلَّ, and the best guidance is Muhammad’s one صلَّى الله عليه وسلَّم, and the wicked matters in faith are the new things, for every new thing (in faith) is innovation, every innovation is darkness (error) and darkness (error) leads to Hell-Fire.

It is mentioned in the Noble Quran and in the Prophet’s Sunna, in several places, that knowledge and scholars are of a great favor. In the Noble Quran, Allah عزَّ وجلَّ said: Allah will exalt in degree those of you who believe, and those who has been granted knowledge﴿ [Al-Mujâdilah (The Woman Who Disputes): 11].

And He عزَّ وجلَّ said: Say: "Are those who know equal to those who know not?﴿ [Az-Zumar (The Groups): 9)]. He عزَّ وجلَّ also said: It is only those who have knowledge among His slaves that fear Allah﴿ [Fâtir or Al-Malâ'ikah (The Originator of Creation, or The Angels): 28)].

And from the Sunna, the Prophet صلَّى الله عليه وسلَّم said: “The scholars are the Prophets’ heritors. Certainly, the prophets bequeathed neither a dinar nor a dirham, but left knowledge. Whosoever takes it, takes an abundant portion”(1).

The people of knowledge are those who preceded to acquire the Prophets’ heritage for their learning in comprehending the Book of Allah عزَّ وجلَّ, the Sunna and the guidance of the Prophet of this Ummah صلَّى الله عليه وسلَّم. As a matter of fact, there is no honor above the honor of those inheritors. We ask Allah عزَّ وجلَّ that our Sheikh Abu `Abd Al-Mu`iz be among them and earns that grade. He is regarded as a lashing ring to what passed from the Salaf (the Predecessors who held fast to the Prophet’s Sunna) of this Ummah, the true followers of the call of Muhammad in faith, way, comprehension and knowledge. Since he acquired a portion of Islamic sciences and excelled in it, he started to call to Allah عزَّ وجلَّ, calling to the Book of Allah عزَّ وجلَّ and the Sunna of His Messenger صلَّى الله عليه وسلَّم, according to the way of the Salaf of this Ummah. He does neither side with anyone in truth, nor does he support anyone in falsehood, whether a close person or distant one. He joins the science of Quran and Sunna and that of mind. He knows how to found answers by giving proofs. He also examines the issues without blind-following but with evidences only. In addition, he calls to abide by the Sunna and fights heretical acts in both writing and speaking. He has many compilations, explanations and comments that reached a high degree of accuracy and emancipation. May Allah reward him instead Islam and the Muslims with what is best.

I have already asked our Sheikh to provide me with some information so that I could write about him and he accepted may Allah recompense him. Therefore, I started working out this summary about his good life in few lines and I called it, after consulting the Sheikh, "The Biography of our Beloved Sheikh Abu `Abd Al-Mu`iz", and I say Allah عزَّ وجلَّ is the Granter of success.

1 – His name, lineage and birth:

He is our Sheikh Abu `Abd Al-Mu`iz `Ali Farkous Al-Qubi from Al-Qubah Al-Qadîmah in Algiers, where he was born on Thursday 29 of Rabî` Al-'Awwal 1374 h corresponding to 25 of November 1954. The month and the year of the outbreak of the Liberation Revolution in Algeria against the oppressive French colonization.

2 – His Educational Background:

Our Sheikh has advanced gradually in acquiring knowledge faculties and capacities, at school first, in a traditional way. He took his portion from the Noble Quran and some of the fundamental education and science in the Quranic School on the hands of Sheikh Muhammad As-Sghir M ̀alam. Then he entered the modern school where he ended the secondary study. Due to the absence of any faculty or higher Institute of Islamic science at that time, the nearest faculty where to study a number of Islamic subjects was the Faculty of Law and Administrative Sciences. He ended up his studies there. During his academic studies, a strong desire and intense tendency kept pulling him to acquire more knowledge in the Islamic sciences and excel in them. He was admitted, by Allah’s bounty, in the Islamic University of “Al-Madinah Al-Munawwarah”.

He managed to reach his aim in the “Country of Security”. Actually, he took benefit from respectable and honorable teachers and scholars both in the university and in the “Prophetic Mosque”, where he was attending, acquiring knowledge and accompanying sheikhs, such as: sheikh ̀Atiyyah Ibn Muhammad Sâlim, may Allah have mercy on him, who was a judge in the Supreme Court in “Al-Madinah Al-Munawwarah”, from whom he studied “Muwatta’” of Imam Mâlik, Allah’s mercy be on him, Sheikh `Abd Al-Kâdir Ibn Shaibat Al-Hamd, a professor of the jurisprudence and fundamentals of jurisprudence in the Faculty of Sharia, Sheikh Abu Bakr Jâbir Al-Jazâ'iri, the preacher in the Prophetic Mosque and a professor of the Quranic interpretation in the Faculty of Sharia, sheikh Muhammad Mukhtâr Ash-Shanqîti, may Allah have mercy on him, a professor of the Quranic interpretation in the same Faculty and a teacher of the Sunna compilations in the Prophetic Mosque, Sheikh `Abd Ar-Ra'ûf Al-Labadi, a professor of the Arabic language (Grammar and Syntax) in the faculty of Sharia, and others. As he took, also, advantage of the oral examinations of the research papers theses that were debated by professors and sheikhs and also in lectures that were given by eminent scholars such as Sheikh `Abd Al-`Azîz Ibn `Abd Allâh Ibn Bâz and Sheikh Hammâd Al-Ansâri may Allah’s mercy be upon them both and by others as well. He went back to Algiers in 1402H/ 1982.

In fact, he was one the first professors who entered the Islamic Sciences Institute in Algiers which was officially adopted that year. Thus, he was appointed manager of studies and programming there. Then, he moved to the University of Muhammad V in Rabat, Morocco, intending to devote himself for a high universal thesis (doctorate) completion, which he transferred, later, to Algiers. It was the first state doctorate thesis that was orally examined in Algeria in the Islamic science field. He is still a teacher in the same faculty, where seekers of knowledge benefit from his knowledge inside and outside the university.

3 – His physical attributes and his morals:

Our sheikh Abu `Abd Al-Mu`iz, may Allah protect him, is granted good physical qualities by Allah عزَّ وجلَّ and an immune strong body from which appears his attributes; a gracious shape with a lovely face and appearance. He resembles the eminent sheikh Nâsir Ad-Dine Al-Albâni in his shape, face and even voice at a greater extent. Those who saw them said so.

So our Sheikh biography has been crowned with good manners that every seeker of knowledge knows about. He is, to a large extent, humble, good-tempered, a real friend and companion and a well-mannered man. He has soft style with wisdom and good preachment in his call. He calls for the truth, following the footsteps of the adherents of Ahl As-Sunna Wa Al Jamâ`a (People of The Sunna and Communion), leaning on them, loving and supporting them. He presses on those who hate them, oppose those who call to oppose them. He is fair and just with others. He glorifies the Islamic knowledge, accepts advice regarding the truth and always returns to it. He does neither support the common people over the scholars, nor does he incite them to be daring. He shows for both pity and compassion. Among his qualities also his good welcome, companionship and high resolution.

4 – His works:

Our Sheikh Abu `Abd Al-Mu`iz may Allah protect him has many scientific works that were published and printed outside and inside Algeria. He has two series on the Islamic jurisprudence. His books and pamphlets are characterized with accuracy, in a mixture of fundamentalist and literary styles. His scientific expressions are precise and successive, far from literal complexity and mental obstinacy.

Among his books and compilations:

1- Taqrîb Al-Wusûl Ila `Ilm Al-Usûl (The Approximate Reaching to the Science of Fundamentals of Jurispruidence) by Abu Al-Qâsim Muhammad Ibn Ahmad Ibn Juzay Al-Kalbi Al-Gharnâti (died in 741H) (Cairo: Dâr Al-Aqsâh- 1410H).

2- Dawû Al-Arhâm Fi Fiqh Al-Mawârîth (Kindred in Blood in The Jurisprudence of Heritage), Dâr Tahsîl Al-`Ulûm, 1407H corresponding to 1987.

3- Al-Ishârah Fi Ma`rifat Al-Usûl Wa Al-Wajâzah Fi Ma`na Ad-Dalîl (The Notice in Introducing the Fundamentals and the Summary in the Meaning of Evidence) by Imâm Abu Al-Walîd Al-Bâji died in 474H (Saudi Arabia Al-Maktabah Al-Makkiyah As-Su`diya).

4- Miftâh Al-Usûl Ila Binâ' Al-Furû` `Ala Al-Usûl (The Key of the Fundamentals of Jurisprudence to Building up the Branches on the Stems), followed by: Kitâb Mathârât Al-Ghalt Fi Al Adillah (the Arising Errors in the Evidences) by Imam Abu `Abd Allâh Muhammad Ibn Ahmed Al-Hasani At-Tilimsâni (771H/ 1370), Mu'assasat Ar-Rayân, 1st edition, (1419H/ 1998). Dâr Tahsîl Al-`Ulûm 1420H/ 1999.

5- Mukhtârât Min Nusûs Hadîthiyah Fi Fiqh Al-Mu`âmalât Al-Mâliyah (Selections from Hadith Texts in The jurisprudence of Financial Transactions), Dar Ar-Raghâ'ib Wa An-Nafâ'is (1419H/ 1998).

6- Fath Al-Ma'mûl Fi Sharh Mabâdi' Al-Usûl (The Hoped Victory in Explaining the Fundamentals of Jurisprudence Principles) by Sheikh `Abd Al-Hamîd Ibn Bâdîs, died in (1359H/ 1940), Dar Ar-Raghâ'ib Wa An-Nafâ'is, 1st edition (1421H/ 2000).

Series: The Jurisprudence of Fasting Hadiths:

1- Hadîth Tabyît An-Niyyah (Hadîth about The Obligation of the Intention (for fasting) From the Night), Dar Ar-Raghâ'ib Wa An-Nafâ'is, 1st edition (1419H/ 1999).

2- Hadith An-Nahy `An Saum Yawm Ash-Shak (The Hadith Prohibiting Fasting The Day of Doubt), Dar Ar-Raghâ'ib Wa An-Nafâ'is 1st edition (1419H/ 1999).

3- Hadith Al-Amr Bi As-Saum Wa Al-Iftâr Li Ru'yat Al-Hilâl (Hadith on Ordering to Start Fasting and Stop Observing it When Seeing the Crescent-Moon of Ramadan), Dar Ar-Raghâ'ib Wa An-Nafa'is 1st edition (1422H/ 2001).

4- Hadith Hukm Siyâm Al-Musâfir Wa Madâ Afdhaliyatihi Fi As-Safar (The Hadith on the Ruling about the Fasting of the Traveler and its Preference when Traveling), Dar Ar-Raghâ'ib Wa An-Nafa'is 1st edition (1422H/ 2002).

Series: Let Them Understand The Religion:

1- Tarîq Al-Ihtidâ' Ila Hukm Al-Intimâ' Wal-Iqtidâ' (The Way of Guidance to the Ruling of the Belonging and Following the Prophet’s Way), Dar Ar-Raghâ'ib Wa An-Nafâ'is 2st edition (1419H/ 1998).

2- Al-Mounyah Fi Taudîh Mâ Ashkala Min Ar-Ruqyah (The Wish in Clarifying What The Problems in Ar-Ruqyah), Dar Ar-Raghâ'ib Wa An-Nafâ'is, 2st edition (1419H/ 1999).

3- Farâ'id Al-Qawâ`id Li Hal Ma`âqid Al-Masâjid (The Unique Rules in Solving the Complex Matters of the Mosques), Dar Ar-Raghâ'ib Wa An-Nafâ'is, 2st edition (1423H/ 2002).

4- Mahâsin Al-`Ibâra Fi Tajliyat Muqfalât At-Tahâra (The Good Expression in Clearing the Purification Matters), Dar Ar-Raghâ'ib Wa An-Nafa'is, 1st edition (1420H/ 1999).

5- Al-Irshâd Ila Masâ'il Al-Usûl Wa Al-Ijtihâd (The Guiding to the Fundamentals of Jurisprudence Issues and Ijtihâd), Maktabat Dar Ar-Rayân 1st edition (1420H/ 2000).

Majâlis Tadhkîriyah `Ala Masâ'il Manhajiyah (the Reminding Meetings on the Way Issues), Dar Ar-Ragha'ib Wa An-Nafa'is (1424H/ 2003).

7- Arbauna Su`alan Fi Ahkâm Al Mawlûd (40 Questions about the Newborn Rulings), followed by At-Tadhkirah al-Jaliyyah Fi At-Tahalli Bi Sabr 'Inda Al Baliyyah (The Clear Remembrance to Abide by Patience in Affliction), Dar Ar-Raghâ'ib Wa An-Nafâ'is (1425H/ 2004).

8- Al-`Adât Al-Jâriyah Fi Al-A`râs Al-Jaza'iriyah (The Current Customs in the Algerian Weddings), Dar Ar-Raghâ'ib Wa An-Nafâ'is (1425H/ 2004).

- An article in "Ar-Risalah" magazine, published by the Ministry of the Religious Affairs entitled "Hukm at-Tas`îr" (The Ruling of Pricing): "Is pricing an obligation or necessity in the sharia?"

- An article in "Al_Muwâfaqât" magazine published by the Faculty of the Islamic Science in Algiers entitled "Hukm Bay`Al`înah" (The Ruling about Selling of `Ina (a kind of selling in which there is usury).

- An article in "Manâbir al-Hudâ" magazine entitled "I`tibâr Ikhtilâf Al-Matâli` Fi Thubût Al-Ahillah Wa Ârâ' Al-Fuqahâ' Fîh” (The Consideration of the Different Appearances of the Crescent-Moons of Ramadhan and The Viewpoints of the Islamic Jurisprudents upon Them).

Works Under Publication:

1- From the Series: Let them Understand the Religion, number 9 (About the matters of hajj).

2- Al Inârah Fit Ta`lîq `Ala Kitâb Al-Isharah.

3- An explanation and a comment on (Al-`Aqâ'id al-Islamiyah) (The Islamic Creed), by sheikh `Abd Al-Hamîd Ibn Bâdis (died in1359).

Sheikh Abu `Abd Al-Mu`iz has written many articles published through "Manabir Al-Huda" magazine numbers and many answers to questions from all the parts of the country and abroad, some are written personally and some others are recorded on cassettes and CDs. There are several founded fatwas in the Islamic creed, way, jurisprudence and fundamentals of jurisprudence that show his large scientific capacities.

We definitely should know that all that we write or say about our sheikh is just a little of his educational and scientific life, and in fact we witness to what we have seen from our Sheikh may Allah bless him. So it is his good manners, qualities and humbleness towards the seekers of learning. He is merciful with them as do fathers with their sons; drawing them close to him. All the issues he deals with are simplified and founded. He teaches his students the way to answer. He also holds particular meetings for them at home besides the habitual ones, he even does in the mosque and at university. In addition, he asks about them and helps them fulfill their material needs; If he is not able to, guidance and a goodly word are. He actually advises them of what is beneficial in their religion and life, arousing their desire to be united on the truth and following the Prophet’s way. Whereas he frightens them of uniting for falsehood and following the way of error.

He is our learned Sheikh who comprehends both religion and reality, may Allah عزَّ وجلَّ reward him instead the Muslims with the best recompense. Peace and blessing of Allah be upon our Prophet Muhammad and on his Family.

1424 – 1425/ 2004

(1) Reported by Abu Dâwûd; chaper of knowledge (hadith 3643), and At-Tirmidhi; chapter of knowledge (hadith 2898) and Ad-Dârimi in the introduction of his “Sunan” (hadith 351), according to the hadith which is narrated by Abu Ad-Dardâ' رضي الله عنه, and authenticated by Al-Albâni in “Sahîh Al-Jâmi­`” (hadith 6297).