Fatawas | The official website of Sheikh Muhammad Ali FERKUS
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Saturday 21 Al-Muharram 1446 H - July 27, 2024 G

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592 The ruling concerning expending wealthily and manifesting joy during the night of `Ashura Foods> Supererogatory Sawm (Fasting)> Fatwas about Sawm (Fasting)> Fatwas about Foods and Drinks
589 The ruling regarding inviting those who abandon prayer to the wedding party Marriage Act> Marriage Etiquettes> Fatwas about Family
588 Concerning the beginning of the divorced woman’s ‘Idda (waiting period) Iddah (period of waiting for a widow or divorcee)> Marriage Act End> Fatwas about Family
586 The ruling concerning serving "Al-Maqrût" (lozenge cakes) in the wedding morning after consummation Marriage Act> Marriage Etiquettes> Fatwas about Family
579 The ruling concerning borrowing (money) for An-Naşîka
575 The ruling concerning delivering a sermon at Al-‘Aqîqa [feast] Aqîqa (the new born sacrifice)> Fatwas about Foods and Drinks
568 The ruling concerning corresponding with unrelated women via the Internet Engagement> Marriage Act> Fatwas about Family
567 The ruling regarding the wedding banquet of one in debt Marriage Act> Marriage Etiquettes> Fatwas about Family
563 The ruling concerning transferring alms of Al-Fitr (an obligatory charity given to the poor just before Aid Al-Fitr) Sawm (Fasting) Rulings> Fatwas about Sawm (Fasting)
557 The ruling concerning transplanting a kidney of a healthy person into a sick one Fatwas about Medicine
556 The ruling regarding covering the lower part of a woman's chin Woman> Fatwas about Family
555 The fact that a woman bears the name of her husband Woman> Fatwas about Family
553 The ruling regarding the fact that a woman learns driving Woman> Fatwas about Family
552 The ruling regarding masturbating for a medical purpose
551 Concerning the dissolution of a religious marriage contract because of the husband’s procrastination Divorce> Marriage Act End> Fatwas about Family